Our Pictures - 2010

[Memory is] a man's real possession...In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor. - Alexander Smith

Mona's Trip To Germany
02/15 - 02/21/10
I went to Germany for one week of work-related training. On my weekend, I drove south to see sights yet unseen on previous visits ... mostly castles!
...click here to see the pictures.
Sticks and Stones...
Our first trip down the mountain turns into my last ski trip of the season. It's amazing how much havoc a tree and some rocks can cause.

**Warning this page contains some unsavory images.

...click here to see the pictures.
Every yard needs a shed
06 - 08/10
My summer project and my first foray into building.
...click here to see the pictures.
09/08/10 C.Kunz