
  • DSC01074  The remains of the casing stones on the Great Pyramid of Giza
  • DSC01077  The Great Pyramid of Giza completed circa 2560 BCE by the Pharaoh Khufu son of Sneferu.
  • DSC01079  Mona climbing up a pile of rubble.   We were later chastised for climbing. The guard wanted a "fee" to forgive our trespass.
  • DSC01081  Looking south over subsidiary pyramids near the Great Pyramid.
  • DSC01082  A picture from atop the "rubble" which turned out to be the Funerary Temple.
  • DSC01083  Mona and a little forced perspective.  Either she looks big or the pyramid looks small, your choice.
  • DSC01086  Looking east toward Cairo.  When the pyramids were built, a branch of the Nile ran near the base of the plataeu, in the foreground. (Panorama)
  • DSC01090  Chris and the Great Pyramid, more forced perspective.  Using this picture, I calculate the pyramid to be ~30 feet tall.
  • DSC01094  Looking southwest -   From near to far: the Great Pyramid (Khufu's Pyramid), Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Menkaure.
  • DSC01096  Looking southwest again, showing more of the surrounding plateau.
  • DSC01098  The north facing side of the Great Pyramid.  Note the opening to the passage leading the burial chambers.
  • DSC01101  Chris and Mona and the Great Pyramid.
  • DSC01102  Looking back down the road to the Pyramid of Khafre (son of Khufu).  Note the original polished limestone capstone at the apex.
  • DSC01104  The Pyramid of Menkaure -   The large vertical opening in the north face was left during an attempt to destroy the pyramids during the twelfth century.
  • DSC01106  Khafre and Menkaure Pyramids.  (Panorama)
  • DSC01110  Mona and Chris and the Pyramid of Khafre.
  • DSC01119  The Pyramid Complex -   From left to right: The Great Pyramid, Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Menkaure, & Pyramids of the Queens.
  • DSC01121  The Pyramid Complex and tourists.  (Panorama)
  • DSC01123  Mona and Chris with the Pyramid Complex in the background.
  • DSC01126  Bedouin making their living posing for pictures with the Pyramids.  If you take a picture with them in it, they expect to be paid!
  • DSC01128  Mounting the camels.
  • DSC01131  Success!
  • DSC01133  Ready for the ride.
  • DSC01134  Heading to an overlook area of the Pyramid Complex.
  • DSC01143  Overlooking the Pyramids -   In the foreground are the Queens Pyramids with the Pyramid of Menkaure behind.
  • DSC01144  Two camel jockeys.
  • DSC01149  Mona and her camel.  I think his name was Joe.
  • DSC01155  I don't know why the guide didn't let me get off the camel.  I thnk this is a weird picture.
  • DSC01160  The plateau and the Pyramids. (Panorama)
  • DSC01161  The plateau and the Pyramids. (Panorama)
  • DSC01162  Mona, master camel driver.  Her camel actually bit mine at one point.
  • DSC01163  Another view of the Pyramids with Giza in the background.
  • DSC01167  Riding a camel isn't really comfortable.  Lots of rocking forward and backward.
  • DSC01172  Ships of the desert.
  • DSC01174  I don't think these camels were pampered.
  • DSC01176  Looking back at the Pyramids.
  • DSC01179  Mona fighting the wind (blowing across the plateau, not from the speeding camel).
  • DSC01184  The Great Sphinx of Giza with the Great Pyramid in the background.  Not everything was called "Great"...
  • DSC01188  The Great Sphinx from behind.  Have you ever seen this view?  I'm guessing "no".
  • DSC01193  The Sphinx and the Pyramids.
  • DSC01194  A demonstration on making papyrus.
  • DSC01196  Basically you slice the plant into thin slices, soak it in water, place it in a press, and let it dry.
  • DSC01198  The result is papyrus.  It becomes far more expensive after someone paints something on it.