
  • DSC00995  View from our room at the Marriott Cairo Hotel.    Thursday night traffic crossing the 26 July Bridge over the NIle.
  • DSC00996  View from our room overlooking the Nile.
  • DSC00997  View from our room overlooking the Nile.
  • DSC00998  View from our room overlooking the Nile. (Panoroma)
  • DSC01002  Mona and Cairo skyline.
  • DSC01008  Both of us and the skyline.
  • DSC01009  Looking into the inner courtyard Ibn Tulun Mosque.   Likely the oldest mosque in Cairo and the largest in area.
  • DSC01011  Inner courtyard of the Ibn Tulun Mosque
  • DSC01012  Looking out a window into the courtyard.
  • DSC01013  Climbing a minaret, looking back over the original minaret for Ibn Tulun Mosque.  Note the unusual external stairway on the minaret.  The original mosque structures date to 879 CE.
  • DSC01014  Overlooking Ibn Tulun Mosque from the minaret located on the northern-most corner.
  • DSC01015  Cairo neighborhood near as seen from the Ibn Tulun minaret.
  • DSC01016  Cairo neighborhood near as seen from the Ibn Tulun minaret.  Notice the many satelite dishes.
  • DSC01017  View from the minaret (looking southwest).
  • DSC01023  View from the minaret (looking west).    Must cover all directions!
  • DSC01025  View from the minaret looking east.  (Panorama)
  • DSC01026  View from the minaret looking east.
  • DSC01027  View from the minaret looking south.
  • DSC01028  Cairo neighborhood near as seen from the Ibn Tulun minaret.
  • DSC01029  Cairo neighborhood near as seen from the Ibn Tulun minaret.
  • DSC01031  Tomb of Amina wife of Muhammed Ali Pasha, located in the City of the Dead.
  • DSC01032  Amina's tomb -    Notice the two braids of hair, meaning that she is married (braided) and had two children (number of braids).
  • DSC01034  Chris and Mona posing by the tomb.
  • DSC01035  Amina's tomb -   The body would have been buried underground, below the surface tomb.
  • DSC01037  Tombs for the family of Muhammed Ali Pasha.  Each pillar corresponds to someone burried here.  The height of the pillar indicates the relative age at death.
  • DSC01038  Ornate female tomb.
  • DSC01039  Final resting place for nine descendants of Muhammed Ali Pasha.  Men are identified by turbans or fezzes, women by coronets.
  • DSC01040  Another tomb.
  • DSC01041  ...and another tomb.
  • DSC01042  A view of the tombs in meager lighting.
  • DSC01044  An ornate tomb.
  • DSC01045  Looking over the tombs.
  • DSC01046  Light filtered through stained glass falls on a tomb.
  • DSC01047  More tombs - he had lots of descendants.
  • DSC01048  An extremely intricate tomb.  Our guide claimed that the artist was brought from Iran to carve the tomb.
  • DSC01049  ...after several years, the tomb was completed and the man was so happy with the completed work, he had the artist killed.
  • DSC01050  ..reward for a job well done!
  • DSC01051  Tomb detail.
  • DSC01052  One of the remaining stained glass windows.
  • DSC01053  Another shot of the light falling on the tomb from the stained glass window.
  • DSC01054  Looking back at the tomb complex from the courtyard.  Though barren now, the courtyard was once a lush garden.
  • DSC01056  Looking down the domes over the walkway.
  • DSC01059  Different persective of the domes.
  • DSC01061  Looking over the area around the tomb complex.  (Panorama)
  • DSC01062  Looking over the "City of the Dead".  This area is the Southern Cemetary of Cairo, all the buildings visible are tombs.
  • DSC01063  This is no ordinary cemetary, populated only by the dead, it is also home to ~500,000 people living in the tombs.
  • DSC01064  Posing by the domes on the tomb.
  • DSC01066  Mona puts her finger on it.
  • DSC01067  Looking west across to the Citadel, containing the Mosque of Muhammed Ali Pasha as well as his tomb.
  • DSC01070  Looking down from the roof upon the ornately carved tomb.
  • DSC01071  One of the courtyards.  The damaged tomb was most likely a servant of the family.
  • DSC01072  Mona (and our guide) heading down the staircase.